Burton eating an ice cream cone by himself, he did really good.
Hollin eating an ice cream cone by herself....
she ate out the bottom.
after she was done playing in her cake.
This is what Burton got her... her own sock monkey and a book (maybe she'll leave his alone)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Burton on his new horse, Colby. They were able to ride indoors a couple of nights during the week in the winter. So we switched his Sat. afternoons because he wasn't riding due to weather to Mon. night so he could ride indoor. He has worked up to being on the horse for almost 45 min and he just loves it. He also sleeps really well Mon. nights :)
How cute are they? Watching Sesame Street together.
Chewing on a dog bone.... mmmmm, that good.
Trying to help mama peel the potatoes.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Burton started Pre-K last week:) For now he goes Wed. and Fri. morning and in Feb. we'll add Mon. He's already had a snow day. He's getting used to being at school and being away from mama and Hollin. But all in all I think he enjoys it.