Look at all those curly locks. It's only this way after baths.
Hollin wanted to be on the bean bag chair with Burton.
I think she helped push him down so she could take over the bean bag chair.
Hollin playing at gymboree class. She doesn't like to be doing what the other kids are doing, she does here own thing.
Eating some ice cream they made, yummmmmm
After doing a dot art project, got a little on my nose. This was a good day at school, not many of those.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Hollin loves walking outside in the front yard.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Front of house
Back of house
Out for a walk, getting a little fresh air.
Hollin was very excited to be walking outside.
Sun. morning after the blizzard had stopped. I would say we got between 24 and 30 in.
During the storm on Sat. I think this was the 2nd time Wayne shoveled the drive way.
This is from our snow Tues. the 2nd, about 5 in. It was very pretty and didn't last long. It was gone by Thurs.
Burton's fat lip. He took a spill out of his wheelchair. We were leaving the pool from this therapy and I had him wrapped up in a blanket with his seat belt on. But it didn't lock because of the blanket. So as we went around the corner he fell over the side, hit his head on the wall and slid down the wall landed face first on the floor. As a result, one fat lip with 3 cuts inside, 1 cut outside, a bump in his chin and head and very bruised on his lip and chin. Poor guy.
Hollin likes to take rides in Burton's wheelchair.
After a long day, taking a little nap in his bean bag chair, playing Elmo guitar.
In her chair she got from Mimi & Papa for her birthday that matches her room.
Hollin the destroyer. This is the damage she can do, she'd only been up for an hour.