Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Burton's EEG

Burton and I headed right to Walter Reed after our time slot at the White House Easter Egg Roll. He's making sure his TV works.

All hooked up and ready to lay in bed for 24 hours, watch TV and sleep.

Napping with Sid the Science kid after a very busy morning.

Our view out the window.

After getting unhooked he was ready to roll, didn't like laying in bed for 20 hours.

White House Egg Roll


Hollin's Jesse doll she found hiding in my closet a week before Easter.

We took Hollin to an egg hunt in our village on base. She would say mine and Burton's when picking up eggs.

A much needed up date of Misc. pictures

Burton is a card holding member of the Red Sox Nation.

Hollin helping with laundry, wearing all my panties.

Two is better than one.

stickers all over the belly

These next ones are what happens when a 2 year old doesn't want to take naps any more. We find her sleeping all over the house.

Wearing an outfit that belonged to her cousin Meagan.