Sunday, December 30, 2007

We have had a very busy end of Nov. - Dec. Were to start..... Burton started school after his birthday , Nov. 17, and went for 3 days before he and I headed off to California. My grandpa passed away Thanksgiving Day so Burton and I made an unplanned trip back west. We were there for 2 weeks and enjoyed seeing family. We even go to see Uncle Eddie as well as Santa. I think we were home for 4 days with Burton's days and night mixed up before we all headed up to Tennessee to spent Christmas with Wayne's family. We made a trip to Ohio for the big family Christmas party, Wayne's dads side of the family. Burton's only Great great grandma, Granny, is still alive and they meet for the first time. Burton had fun playing with cousins, mimi and papa until Christmas eve when he got sick. So needless to say Christmas wasn't much fun. We cut our trip a few days short to come home get better and sleep in our own beds. This next week we're just trying to get the house back in order, get over being sick and getting back on schedule.

1 comment:

TNHaus5 said...

I love all the pictures, I am sure you guys are so glad to be back home, traveling is a lot of work. There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed after traveling, hopefully Burton will be back on schedule before school starts up again.