We are expecting a new addition to our family in January. Yes Burton is going to be a big brother. We are having a little girl and she is healthy, the hydrocephalus genetic test came back negative:) Here's a picture of the decor and colors we're going to use, purples and greens, butterflies and flowers. We are registered at Target and Babies "R" Us.
CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for your cute family. Burton will be a great big brother!! Best of luck. Call if you need anything.
by the way...love the room decor. Super cute!
I am so excited for all of you:) I have been dying to hear this news- that everything is going great and Burton is going to have a baby sister. He is going to be a great big brother! Congrats:)
This is Janna (we are in Montana now) ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that is sooooooooooooo exciting!!! Can't wait to see the newest addition to your family. Ahhhh! :) Congratulations.
HI! My son has L1 syndrome and it manifests in boys. Is this what your son has? How did you go about getting pregnant, if you don't mind me asking. My son is 20 months and my husband and I would love more kids but are very scared as we just don't think we could do this again. Anyway I would love to hear your thoughts.
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